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Comings & Goings

Cam’s last day was Friday.  We were both sad to see him go.  What a good kid!  He took a construction job.  We only needed him for a couple of more weeks, so we can’t blame him for moving on to something that will get him to winter.  We do hope that he hates it though, and calls us in the spring:)

Our bear visitor was back.  This time he punctured two empty oil jugs on the deck.


I can’t figure out why Steve doesn’t just set up a tree stand in our yard.

We had great fishing last week!  My new friend April, aka “The Survivor,” released a couple of very nice fish:

A big, fat 29" northern!

A big, fat 29" northern!

And a nice bass to boot!

And a nice bass to boot!

She also caught some good blueberries with me.  Way to go, April!  Hope to see you at Camp again and at the Madison Fishing Expo.

Nate, a newcomer to Camp, nailed walleye all week.  He and his girlfriend Staci caught a ton of good fish.  His best catch all week though was Staci, ’cause Nate proposed to her on Wabaskang Lake while fishing on Thursday (a first since we’ve been here)!  Congratulations!!


Of course, while Nate was fishing on Friday he released a 29.5″ walleye!  He still said Staci was his best catch but he had to think about it a bit…  You can view his monster fish from the Fishing link of our website.  Staci caught a fantastic sunset during their stay:

So many colors!

So many colors!

My birthday came and went as well last week.  Steve and I were able to sneak away on Tues. and Thurs. to find some walleye.  I’ll start by saying I was horribly outfished both times; Steve caught first, biggest and most both days.  It was windy and the fish were deep (20-24′), so I had trouble with my hook-set.  I had a bunch of fish on but couldn’t get them to the boat:(  I still caught a lot, but my husband caught A ZILLION.  He even tried ignoring them as I became more frustrated but eventually his pole would bend enough that I’d notice he had ANOTHER fish on.  Ugh.  I’d say we fished about two hours each day.  Steve easily released 25ish walleye 14-16″ each of those days.  I probably released about 10 each day and lost that many as well.  Thurs. Steve was really on. 

That's a 19"er.

That's a 19"er.



24"...qualifies him for a TPC Conservation Award!

24"...qualifies him for a TPC Conservation Award!

All in all, it was still a great birthday.  It was quite cold and windy out there and I had chosen inadequate footwear.


Took them two hours to thaw out when we got back!  I regained feeling just in time for a lovely dinner with Mike and Lynn–plenty of wine and cake (thanks again, you two).

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