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Writer's pictureBridget

Here Come the Bear Hunters

We have our first two hunters in Camp this week.  Each has taken at least one bear with us in the past and they want to take another!  Yesterday evening was their first “sit,” and each of them saw at least one bear.  Both decided to pass.  That is a sign of a matured hunter.  Here are a couple of trail cam photos from the past week:


Night eyes…


even a little eagle action


One of last week’s newbies, Lori, saw a little eagle action right next to Camp.


My eagle wins Best Dressed, though!


Speaking of Lori, she and Joe had a great first-time-ever-fishing Wabaskang week!  They talked of catching up to 80 walleye in one outing:)  We love hearing that!  Joe struck us as an angler right off the bat.  Apparently, he served as guide for part of the trip:



But he was not skunked–


Walleye were still shallow last week–around 12.5′.  We decided to check things out for ourselves.  Yes, that’s right, Gruper and Andrea went fishing for a bit last Tuesday.  We were well overdue.  Gruper caught first


(that’s a nice 19″er) and most, ending our couple of hours with about a dozen fish.  I was slow to start and finally caught a 12″er.  HOWEVER, my only other fist took biggest for the day at 20″!  It was a lovely, golden, fall walleye.  We caught only walleye (no variety point awarded).  We hopped around a bit and didn’t get to fish a whole lot, but it was in the name of data collection.

Mark and Donnie arrived yesterday and went out for a bit.  They reported walleye between 15-20′.  That report is consistent with one from Mike, Terry and the guys as well.  Eugene and Hal just came in today, and they found some walleye and northern in Ruby Lake.  We’re off to a good start!

Katelyn added a nice northern to our Conservation Awards page.  She caught two during their two-week stay on the island.  Troy and Natalie caught a peaceful sunset:


That well-dressed eagle above is wearing my second silk scarf creation.  We had a blast last Monday and created a variety of unique scarves.  Here are some of the workshop attendees:


I started with a blank canvas and waited for the creative juices to flow (and boy did they):


Miss Lydia created a scarf for her mama who was waiting for her in Arkansas:


Unfortunately, Miss Lydia fell from the truck while they were loading up to go home and broke her little arm!


Grammy said she was quite the trooper for the drive home.  She starts kindergarten tomorrow and will probably have a pretty pink cast for show and tell:(

I’ve been taking pictures of cool moths (again):



These hairy-headed ones are still my favorite!


Dixie got a few great pictures of our birds up here.  Here’s Mama Loon giving some kind of instruction to her little ones:


I think one of them has an attitude:


These two duck pics are great!  Can you see Mama and the babies in each one (duckouflage)????



Deep question for the week:  Will Troy ever go home?


If he had his way…nevermore!


P.S. to Mackenzie: Tuesday will make it four years since you left us.  I still think about you and miss you every day. 

smiling down
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