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Writer's pictureBridget

Still Trying to Catch Up!

I’m ba-ack! It’s been a bit crazy around here and I’m falling behind on my blog fodder. I had a new entry almost completely done this morning, then lost it in cyber space. I’ll try again now.

We had another fantastic week of fishing! Everyone was pretty darned happy with the exception of Jason, Matt and Daniel. Jason’s the poor guy who hooked himself in the face last Sunday and spent some time in the Dryden Emergency Room. By week’s end you could hardly tell it had happened. Anyway, those guys had a tough time with fishing; maybe his hook was cursed(?)

We added a lot of new fish to the Conservation Awards page this week! John and Shawn were a father and son referred to us by another father and son who visit for opener every year, Mike and John. John (of John and Shawn) managed to put three different species of big fish on our website: He added a walleye, a smallie and a perch! Shawn tried hard to outfish his dad but just couldn’t quite do it. He had many perch close to our 12″ award size but didn’t quite make it. He did send me some good pics though, that I’ll hope to post next week.

Wayne and Shirley left today after almost two weeks in the campground. Wayne put a big smallie and a big perch on the Conservation Awards page! Here he is releasing his perch:

Waynes perch release

He also tangled with a slot northern:

Waynes slot northern

They saw TWO moose this year! The first was on their drive up and the second was out on Wabaskang:

Anderson moose 1

Anderson moose

Wayne and Shirley also brought a piece of Iowa with them. They left this in the central gathering area. I allowed myself to just admire, smell and enjoy it for a bit:


Thank you! Thank you also for the rhubarb. I used some of it, some of Nita’s and some of MY VERY OWN (thank you, John and Marie) to make these cupcakes week before last:


I mentioned in Tuesday’s quickie that Gruper and I were able to go fishing for a couple of hours last Monday. We had a good time. I caught first and thought I was doing well for most; however, he ended up taking biggest and most. That’s why I like “first”; no one can take it away from you. Check out my perfect (though unintentional) match:


I have beautiful new potluck footwear thanks to Debbie (and Bruce, but mostly Debbie). These are my Key West Kino’s and I absolutely love them!


Christa brought a group of 8 from way-out-east-Ontario last week. This group chooses a different lake and camp every year. They have a ball! They keep counters in their boats to help with their various daily and weekly contests. Ed and Dave each put a big walleye on the Conservation Awards page (24″ and 25.5″, respectively). The group’s total for fish caught–an impressive 1,512! Christa said 22″ walleye seemed to be her recurring fish of the week. Here are a couple:



They also brought along their labs who LOVED the lake. Mary snapped a couple of good pics:



They saw an eaglet in its nest. Look up above–Mama is staying close:

Strum eaglet and momma

This is a HUGE cow moose they saw on the lake:

Strum moose

We also had quite a week for friends and family. Pat, Rudy, Patty and Joy joined us for the whole week; Rebecca and our nephew Jesse arrived Wednesday; and Jim and Micki arrived Thursday. Rudy added a walleye to our Conservation Awards page and Jim released a 41″ northern (Jay, please send pictures). Jim said that Friday represented one of the best days fishing he’s ever experienced (and he’s fished a lot)!

Pat, Rudy, Patty, Jay, Jim and Micki had a very special purpose for this trip. You see, Rick asked to spend time in several beautiful places. We were fortunate to be one of those places. Gruper and I are honored and find comfort in the thought that some of Rick is right here with us all the time.

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