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Writer's pictureBridget

Week 3

Well, our third week has come and gone.  We had about 34 rowdy folks in Camp.  It was definitely a very social group!  I prepared moose roasts using my new electric pressure cooker for potluck.  They turned out pretty good.  We had quite a spread.

The weather has really not improved much.  I think I’ve worn shorts twice this year since arriving in April.  Our anglers had a windy, rough week.  Wabaskang was a rockin’ and rollin’ most of the days.  Wednesday was fairly sunny and mild, but the rest of the week still felt like winter.  I haven’t planted flowers yet, but the rhubarb is in and doing fine.  Maybe we can get the flowers in this week.

Fishing was slow early in the week.  The water temp is 55-60 degrees.  Folks began finding the walleye later in the week in the warm, shallow pockets.  Most were fishing 10-15 ft.  Perch fishing was pretty good.  We had a couple of nice ones released for the Conservation Awards Program as well as a couple of very nice northern.

I promised some nature photos.  Here are some taken by Jon, one of our Week 2 guests.  He and Rick ran into (not literally) some pelicans.

They sure are goofy-lookin' birds.

They sure are goofy-lookin' birds.

--not so goofy to each other apparently.

--not so goofy to each other apparently.

They also found some terns and a loon.

Whose tern is it anyway?

Whose tern is it anyway?

The light is shining off the tip of its bill.

The light is shining off the tip of its bill.

They got some incredible eagle photos.

Jon's eagle
Jon's eagle2
It swooped down--probably for a fish.

It swooped down--probably for a fish.

They also passed a pair of mergansers.


During Week 3, Ryan and Laura spied an osprey.

Laura's osprey

They found a lovely reflection–one of my personal favorite sights.

Laura's reflection

Our wood duck house was open the other day.  We’re not sure how it happened.  You may recall that some golden eyes are residing there.  When Steve fixed the house he counted four eggs in the nest.

Duck house

I spied some crazy boaters on the lake.

It's not as warm as they make it look.

It's not as warm as they make it look.

That’s our niece Anna and her new friend Kelsey (Kelsey’s little sister Audrey is tucked in the back of the boat as well).  Anna is staying with us for a month or so.  The guys from Kaukauna Week 2 referred to her as Denise (Da Niece).  She is a young lady of many talents.  She plays the trumpet and juggles (not simultaneously).

Juggling Anna

Some folks say she looks like me; I can see it here.

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