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Writer's pictureBridget

Adam, Misc.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Meet Adam!  He arrived without incident Friday evening.  He’s all moved in and seems comfortable.  He’s 22 and lives in eastern Ontario.  He is on summer break between college and university.  He’s doing a natural resources type of degree–perfect for here.  This isn’t his first rodeo either; he and his girlfriend worked at a camp last year.  We think we have a good fit.  He’s a little thin…I’m working on that though.

We all partied a bit last night–I’m feeling particularly slow-mo today.  However, we had a perfect morning for finishing up the docks.  So after breakfast we went for it.

Steve used the ramps to get the 4-wheeler in place.

Steve used the ramps to get the 4-wheeler in place.

Prepping the station

Once the station was ready, they had to separate the smaller set of docks from the main set.

Drifting apart
Steve uses the boat mostly to keep the docks where he wants them.

Steve uses the boat mostly to keep the docks where he wants them.

getting close

Now it’s time to line up the pieces.  I operated the winch on the 4-wheeler, Adam used the boat to “nudge” the docks forward/backward, and Steve told us what to do, when and put the pins into place.

Lining up
Lining up 2

Lining up 3

All that’s left is securing the end with the ropes and chains in the lake.


Two points I need to make:  1)  it was colder than it looks out there.

That's ice on a mini-puddle by the dock station.

That's ice on a mini-puddle by the dock station.

2) None of this process is fast.  It’s no secret that I have the attention span of a gnat.  So I took some photos while I waited.

Pussy willows

Pussy willows


Pussy cat:)

I guess the golden eyes decided to clean out the woodduck house where they’ve been staying.

There was a bunch of this on the ground around the tree.

There was a bunch of this on the ground around the tree.

This cute little bird was hopping around on the beach.  It looks like some sort of chickadee with quite a bit of yellow underneath.

Cute bird

After the docks were in place Steve decided to hook up the highly technical driveway dragger.  He took a few turns around Camp and out to the road, smoothing out some rough spots.

Just add a mattress...

Just add a mattress...

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mothers out there!  A special shout out to Gladys and Veronica, smiling down on us:)

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