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Writer's pictureBridget

Almost Show Time

Hi again.  Well, we’re within a week of opener.  The pace has definitely picked up around here this week.  The guys put the docks in on Tuesday.  I’ve been a cabin-cleaning fool (at least half right, eh).  It’s one of my least favorite jobs but has to get done.  If cleanliness really is next to Godliness, I’m sitting pretty good right now;)  Here’s a sure sign of a nearing opener:

That old Toyota is the first thing to get up and running every year.  It must have nine lives!  Speaking of which…remember in last week’s post…Stinky LaRue’s driver’s side hip was totally out of whack?  Well, I got up Monday morning to feed her and she came striding–all normal and all–up to me as if nothing had been wrong!!!!  No kidding.  I cancelled her vet appointment.  I think she’s walking better than before it was out of place.  She has had a slight limp for years as she apparently took some shrapnel (a pellet is lodged in her hip) before I found her a zillion years ago.  What a survivor she is.  We should call her Timex…

She followed me all around this evening:)

Anyway, I digress.  The guys have been very, very busy.  Max is a quick learner and very eager to work.  Yes, he’s still here!  I think he may stay all season;)  They put a new floor in Cabin 3:

They painted the fish-cleaning facility’s floor with a funky paint of some kind:

Yes, that's sunshine coming in the door!!!

They finished the walkway and put some new steps going onto the second dock:

See that bird on the very end of the dock?  I was trying to figure out what it was.  Finally, I consulted our bird book and the resident expert, ole’ Gruper.  He quickly pointed out that the mate to that golden eye was floating nearby.  We got very quiet and could hear the male calling to the female–it was cool.  He made a clicking type noise and tipped his head back.  She, of course, seemed to ignore him…

That's him...way over on the left.

My point is this:  imagine it being so still that you can hear a duck talking.  That peacefulness is so rare, and we get to experience it.  I need those gentle reminders each year…

We took a drive this afternoon as well.  The weather is unbelievably gorgeous!  Granted, we had flurries Friday; however, yesterday and today have been beautiful and tomorrow’s supposed to hit 70!  On our drive we encountered this young fella’:

probably a yearling, definitely a bull (see his spikes?)

In the driveway we spotted a grouse.  We’ve been seeing them quite a bit.  Steve saw some contemplating a fling yesterday–right near the driveway!

Max has been taking photos around Camp as well.  He saw this out his cabin window:

and he watched this mature eagle for a couple of days:

Wish us luck!  We’ll be officially under way in less than a week.  Stay tuned…

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