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Celebration Week- Canada Day and 4th of July!

We kicked off July with Canada Day and and the 4th falling into Week 7 at Tall Pines.

Jeff and Pat celebrated their 12 year anniversary here. They had honeymooned on the Wabaskang, so came back to reminisce as well as create some new memories- this time with their dogs.

Jeff’s farmer crew were such a pleasure to have in camp for the first time. Dave said he estimates he’s taken about 75 Canadian fishing trips! We enjoyed campfire with them, a 4th of July bear searching excursion, and they followed us one morning as we made a 5 boat caravan in search of some fishing spots. Fishing was tougher than usual, but they still managed to do shorelunch everyday and still do some filleting:

With a few hours to spare on turnover day, Captain Earl, Ryan, and I got out to check mayfly action and scout some spots:

Mayflies are finished now in the 2nd lake and North Bay area. A few around camp, but not covering water.

And Ryan took on Earl’s walleye challenge one morning:

Here is Ryan going over the map with some guests; while he cannot guarantee one will catch fish, he is happy to learn from old-timers as well as educate newbies on our waters:

Hayden, Phil, and Tom’s perch loot one day:

Last week’s Yarger crew shared a few more. Here’s Zach’s 38″ northern:

And here’s Ron’s 18.5″ fat smallie:

Don’t mess with Zach and his pike:

Caught this of one our couples enjoying a breezy evening sunset:

We had an indoor appetizer night for potluck this week and we sure do love it when our Wisconsin guests share some Wisconsin Cheese- yum!

Every day is a gift, and when this view awaits us each morning- which it did almost every day for the past month- we don’t take it for granted:

Unfortunately Friday the smoke from Red Lake forest fire slowly filled our airs as the wind had shifted. Please pray that Northwest Ontario gets some rain to put out fires. We are in no danger at this point, but there are some outfitters in Red Lake (about 100 km from us) that have had to evacuate:

On a brighter note, Earl and Patsy had their daughter Gina and her family visiting this week. Love this one of Nanny, Poppy, giving their grandbabies Faith and Tyler a little ride:

And to wrap up, Earl’s Inspirational Pic of the Week:

We hope everyone back home had a wonderful 4th of July week and enjoyed their own celebrations. Happy summertime!

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Tall Pines Camp is proud to be affiliated with the following organizations: 

Recognized as one of 2023 and 2024 Best Businesses in Canada  (Canadian Business Review Board)

TIAO (Tourism Industry Association of Ontario), Sunset Country Tourism Association Gold Member, Highway 105 Tourism and Marketing Board, Chukuni Communities Development Corporation, Perrault Falls Adventure Area Organization Board Members, Cedar River Watershed Association, Safe Travels Stamp Member, Experience Fishing Program, Destination Northern Ontario, SPARK Innovation Lab Award Recipient, Northern Ontario Travel Magazine Contributor, Tight Lines Canadian Fishing Adventures Member (TLCFA), and Camper Report.

© 2024 by Tall Pines Camp, Perrault Falls, Ontario Canada

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