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Writer's pictureBridget

Checking in

Happy Wednesday to you!  I thought I’d get in a quick entry before potluck.  I’m making a wild rice moose loaf tonight and an apple kuchen (I don’t even know what it is but the recipe sounds good).  I made fresh blueberry muffins for everyone in Camp this morning.  Jim Flory received an extra muffin in celebration of his birthday!  That’s pretty special treatment–Steve and Kyle were the only other people to get two muffins (and I ended up eating one of Steve’s). 

Yes, the blueberry picking continues.  I’ve been able to get out with Donnie and Phyllis this week.  Donnie and I are hitting the trenches again tomorrow, Karna is due to arrive today or tomorrow, and Jenny will be here Saturday!  I foresee a ton of good picking in my immediate future!  Raspberries are on as well but they are so much harder to pick.  I’d rather go for the ever-easy bb’s.

Steve and I went out for a couple of hours last Friday.  We hit 2nd Lake and did quite well.  I caught first and most.  It’s hard to say who caught biggest ’cause they were all in the 15-17″ range.  We were fishing 11-14′ and using 1/4 oz.  jigs with minnows.  I almost switched down to an 1/8 as there wasn’t much wind and I could keep bottom, but I stuck with the 1/4 since I was doing so well.  I did, however, switch from my usual chartruese.  I chose a pale yellow/orange combo that Steve invented.  He was using pink/white.  Here’s a picture of a true double we had (honestly, we set the hooks simultaneously…it was hilarious):

Last week ended up quite nicely for all of our guests.  Everyone had good fishing and a great time.  Harrison and his dad Steve canoed down to the falls:

Gwin and family had a shore lunch:

Folks from Tenn. get cold easily!

Speaking of Gwin, here’s the 23.5″ walleye photo he promised me (thank you):

Did her mittens hinder her photography?

Young Ryan spent some time fishing from the dock, the shore and the boat ramp:

This week’s weather has been hot (80’s) and muggy.  We continue to have a ton of rain.  In fact, it has rained all day today.  I hope it clears up in time for potluck.  We’ve had a couple of big storms during the night…lots of thunder and lightning.  We had a fogbow one morning.  My photo is not as good as Marji’s was a couple of years ago but here it is:

This week’s guests are having a nice time and good fishing.  I don’t think the Flory guys could have a bad time anywhere!  They are so good-natured and seem to thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.  Wayne and Phyllis brought their twin 9-year-old grandsons along for the first time.  We’ve been creating adventures (and hopefully memories) for the boys.

Wayne heard that fishing was so good, you didn't even have to be in the water!

Donnie released a 24.5″ walleye Saturday.  I’ll have that photo on the website by this weekend.  They’ve had very good fishing, and it’s their first time fishing Wabaskang.  Greg and Derek have been into the northerns.  We’re working on getting them into walleyes now.  The Haan family always seems to have a good time.

Bear baiting is still going well.  We have three hunters arriving this Saturday for Sunday’s opener.  We think they’ll all have a good shot (no pun intended) at a bear.  Here are a few trail cam photos:

That's a good-sized bear.

This little guy looks cute.

Smart bears wait until after shooting hours to go sniffing around.

Shouldn't he be sleeping in the mid-morning????

Well, time for me to get busy!  I’ll close with a sunset from Gwin and Judy:

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