Hi there. I can’t believe another week has passed since my last entry. Time sure flies when you’re busy! We had a nice group of guests last week and added three new fish to our 2010 Conservation Awards Program, including a 27″ walleye from Jerry in Cabin 6. Be sure to check them out at www.tallpinescamp.com
Walleye started out slow last week–maybe due to a mayfly hatch(?) Anyway, folks fished shallower and soon we had happy campers all around. Everyone in the Bear’s Den–a group of 12!–took home their limits. Aerobus Lake, Gawley’s Bay and Devil’s Point were all producing walleye. Lee and Cindy reported releasing about 30 walleye in a short time yesterday.
Perch were still on in Mud Lake and Ruby Lake. According to our newbies, Steve and Vickie, there were some tiny perch in Ruby. That’s good news…seed for future years.
Smallmouth were initially elusive for newbies Robby T. and Bob; however, by week’s end they had changed strategies and began finding those fighting fools! Apparently spawn has ended for the smallies so they’re no longer right off shore.
There were reports of lots of slot northerns…no surprise there.
Floyd Pete and Harry K. had a great time fishing hard all week! They were gone before we opened the dock and usually returned just before dark. Fishin’ fools, I say (or at least I’m half right)…

Potluck was a hit! We had a large turnout. We smoked and fried one turkey and fried and barbequed another. I made bear meatballs for an appetizer–gone in 60 seconds! We had a nice batch of farmboys in Camp, and I think even they got their fill. I love feeding young folks!
Speaking of which, we have a full-time employee as of last Monday! Kyle is a nice guy from Ear Falls who just finished Grade 12 in Red Lake. He’ll be with us through season’s end (we hope). He’s a quick study and has a good wit. He’s a bit too thin in my opinion, so I’ve got my work cut out for me:) Maybe I’ll weigh him now and again in September;)
I promised some of Nancy’s photography…here are some great photos:

a loon nest on a beaver hut

checking eggs
Aren’t those great photos! There are more where they came from and I’ll be sure to share.
We had many moose sightings this week. Steve & Vickie got a nice shot of one swimming to shore. They said it motored right along!

Vickie allowed two dragonflies some intimate time on her shoe…

and captured several beautiful sunsets including this one

Frankie W. spotted a turtle in our yard. I can count the turtles I’ve seen up here in seven years on one hand. I had to grab the camera and run outdoors for this piece of blog fodder:

My sister (who arrived Monday night) spotted this hornet’s nest built in a woodpecker hole in a tree right outside our house:

Well that’s about it for how. I have a bunch more photos to share and should be getting some from Eric as well (I’m certain some will be entertaining). I need to give a big shout out to Dirk. Thanks for the shirt–I love it!
