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Writer's pictureBridget

Friends & Fotos

Welcome back!  I figured I’d better take advantage of a very windy day that has Gruper out fishing.  I’ve been out a couple of times–more on that later–but today just seemed a bit too windy and wild for this fair weather angler.

We’ve had a lot of wind the last couple of weeks.  We’ve had some great sports though who just bundle up, buckle down and go catch walleye!  Fishing’s been unbelievable this fall!!  Temps have been cool (50’s during the day), and we’ve had a fire going in the house for several days now.

I’ll start with photos from week-before-last.  Our good friends from home were here and it’s always a pleasure to fish with them.  Gilky, Frank, Newton and Bender have all been here several times now, and the good times just get better when we get to see them!  I have photos from a couple of their cameras as well as mine.

Bender and Frank dressed for a cold, windy day.

 Cold, windy days do bring on the fish, don’t they?

Nice 'eye Frank!

and Bender

Frank's got another!

Gruper and Gilky during shore lunch.

Frank and Bender cooking shore lunch.

Newton waiting for lunch.

and supper...

All four ya-hoos at one time!

Time out for an eagle shot.

Bender displaying one day's keepers.

a rainbow cloud:)

Newton with an 'eye.

He prefers northern though;)

Gilky does this all day long, every day.

easy as pie

see him?

We had whiskey jacks trying to steal some lunch!

When Steve and I went fishing a couple of weeks ago, I had a FANTASTIC day!  It went so far beyond first, biggest and most–I was unstoppable!  I even caught a rock:

Karna, another fine angler, had gotten a rock to the boat earlier in August.  She just couldn’t quite land it.  It wasn’t easy but I successfully landed mine with the help of my trust netter Steve.  Speaking of Karna, there she is now:

Karna (holding Rikki), Ann, and Bob's best side:)

Ron was busy running their boat.  He’s a crazy working guy, that Ron.  Gruper needed a nap one day so Ron decided to wash boats…

OK...he's just washing his own boat.

Back to fishing, here’s one of the smaller walleyes I caught when we were out with the guys.  I can’t tell you how many fish I released that day.  I can tell you how many Gruper released though;)  He wanted to know what the prize was for smallest and least!

This fish came out of one of our fish.  It was so gross!  Stinky LaRue was quite interested in it:

Well, let’s close with some great sunset photos.  I’ve got fodder for at least a couple more entries so don’t dismay.  See you soon.

Frank and Bender gearing up for this spectacular show.


Ron and Bob on the dock capturing the beauty.

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