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Writer's pictureBridget

Happy August!

I can’t believe another month is gone!  This season seems to be going quickly.  If you judge by today’s weather, fall is here already.  It is quite cool and very, very windy this afternoon.  Most folks have come in, are cleaning fish, and will probably stay in unless the winds quiet down a bit.

These weather dynamics continue.  Last week started with a couple of days 90+ and not a whisper of wind.  We had a couple of HUGE storms and again felt powerless.  Oh, that’s right:  we were powerless again on Monday for several hours.  By week’s end the humidity had lifted and the nights were downright chilly.  We experienced rain pretty much every day at some point.  Freya spent a lot of time in the basement.

Speaking of storms…when Sonny and Kathy were here several weeks ago I stopped in for a visit (and probably a glass or so of wine).  They had seen some incredible clouds that day.  Sonny seemed simultaneously in awe of and respectful of their power.  He called them “cumulonimbus mamma” clouds and they snapped some pics.  John V. is another guy who knows clouds.  I wonder if he knows these???


They certainly look nasty. Fishing was pretty darned good last week!  Bob H. and family visited.  It was the first time he and Joyce had ALL FOUR grandchildren with them!  Bob played guide most of the week, and they did well on walleye.  Matthew released a beautiful 20″er:


No matter how I try, this pic won’t insert right-side up!  Maybe it’s because Matthew is, like, 6’5″ or so!  Anyway, good job Matthew!!!! Evan released a 20″ walleye as well, a personal best! Greg released a nice 24.5″ walleye and did not have his camera but did have a witness.  Fishing without a camera is like fishing without rain gear;) Bob M. released a 25″er as well.  I believe that pic will be e-mailed my way (hint, hint). Adam and Nick caught a lot of nice piggy perch!  It’s no wonder…Adam has a connection… Someone in Cabin 6 caught a 34″ northern…more on them later;) We saw lots of perfect eater walleye all week last week.  They were shallower than expected early in the week but had moved out to 15-20′ by Thurs. and Fri.  The perch were quite shallow–5-6′–and mostly just inside weed bed edges.

Potluck was a windy, cold food fest.  We had bodies strewn everywhere again!  I served deep-fried turkey and it was gone.  Here’s me giving my weekly speech:


Around Camp things are getting done!  Murray and Gruper finished replacing the overhang on the Bear’s Den this week:

BD Overhang

The roofing bid has been accepted, and plans are in place to have ‘er done by August’s end.  Stay tuned. My sign was placed.  I lost the placement battle to Murray (Gruper decided to let the two of us duke it out).  Anyway, here it is fully mounted:


You can take the teacher out of the classroom, but… Since the rose outside Cabin 11 is doing so well, we planted another in front of the laundry shack:


The geranium is LOADED with blooms and flowers!  My gal Sal told me to hit it with Miracle Grow, so I did.  A couple of good rains later…


Carol and Helen shared some paddle boarding picks from two weeks ago.  I went with Ben and Andrew.  I hope weather permits at least another excursion or two this season:

Paddling ben

Paddling andrew

Andrew and Ben had a nice variety stringer with Grandpa Tom and Grandma Carol:


We’ll see Tom again later this month!  Lucky duck!


I’d like to give a shout out to my seester Rebecca who has a birthday Tuesday and my biggest brother Dan who has one on Thursday!  Enjoy yourselves!!!

There is the potential for a photo fest mid-week.  I have some nice pics from the guests in Cabin 6 last week as well as some from Bob’s bunch.  Stay tuned….

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