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Writer's pictureBridget

Happy Father’s Day

Hello, hello, hello!  Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there.  We hope you had a fantastic day and got to do whatever you wanted!

Last week’s fishing was very, very good.  The mayflies began making an appearance and we were curious about how things would go.  We told folks to try fishing very shallow in the areas where the mayflies were hatching.  That worked very well.  We figure the walleye go in shallow to feed on the larvae so that’s where they’re hanging out. 

One couple commented that they released about 70 walleye in a two-hour period.  Cindy outfished Lee big-time;)  Joe and his brother Bill spent two hours on 5th Lake Thursday afternoon.  They released 16 walleye between 20-28.5″ using a bobber with either a minnow or leech (both were working well) in 8′ of water.  They had a blast.  Wayne and Shirley in the campground came in yesterday with some nice walleye.  I’ll see if I can’t get some more information before they leave.

The new guys, Kevin and Aaron, had a good week.  They would have liked to see more big walleyes but caught plenty of 13-17’ers.  I took them for an evening ride and they saw two bears and two moose!  I think they were hoping for warmer weather–they left me two swimming noodles! 

Stories of BIG northern following other fish to the boat have been numerous.  Smallies are coming on strong and are enjoying coming out to play.  Piggy perch are still happening in Ruby, Mud and 2nd Lakes.  Here’s a nice one Conrad caught:

Potluck was fun.  We had a perfect assortment of food.  I made a wild rice moose loaf and a carrot cake (that stuff is like crack).  About 25 of our 46 guests attended.  None of the three dogs in Camp attended(?)  Perhaps they don’t like moose(?)

A couple of nice fish mounts were delivered yesterday.  Remember, we’ll pay the price difference between a skin mount and replica in order to keep that fish swimming in Wabaskang and to allow someone else the chance to catch the fish of a lifetime.

Justin's northern was phenomenal!

My photo's a bit blurry, but Trevor's bass was HUGE.

We had some more swimmers this week…crazy people!  Gruper and I decided we’d better get a pedal boat ready.  Bowie was in Camp but he didn’t take a spin this year:(

We might get some takers for a ride this week.  Temps are supposed to be back up in the 70’s with plenty of sunshine.  Happy day.  We have a few mushrooms in the yard.  I’ll look them up in my book but doubt they’re edible.

Houston...we have a problem.

I know I promised some of Nancy’s photography.  I have several beautiful photos from her but not the time this evening to get them loaded.  I will do them in the next couple of days, though, so stay tuned!  I’ll close with a couple of beautiful sunsets and a fresh photo of my favorite muse (mews).

My girl Shasta, aka Stinky LaRue.

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