Yes, I’m taking a minute to do a blog entry this evening. I hope you don’t mind…
We got to go fishing Sunday! It was the only day this week that we could get away with our friends, so we took advantage of it. We stayed out longer than we have in ages. We caught many walleye, the largest of which was mine (17″). It was also the first fish of the day:) Gruper caught the most, though, once he got going. It was pretty cold and very windy but we had a blast! Here’s my bass master:
We passed on shore lunch with Frank and Bender so we could fish more. Gruper enjoyed his sandwich while fishing:
It was so windy that we moved up a jig size. I decided to try a different color as well:
Petey and Tom B. fished by us for a bit:
Rumor has it that Ben has released a 24.5″ and a 25″ walleye. I haven’t seen pictures yet, but I doubt the others would lie in his favor;) I had them all in for dinner Monday night. I did moose and wild rice unstuffed peppers. I also made a white chocolate cream filled banana cake (again):
Joe and Zane arrived yesterday for their annual trip. Wabaskang didn’t disappoint, either. Joe released a 28″ walleye (no pic, though) and several low 20’s as well. They also brought in a nice batch of eaters! They’ve been fishing this lake a lot longer than we, and they know where to go and what to do to get results. We have two groups of newbies this week. Roger in Jack’s group has added a big northern to the Conservation Awards page and Jack added a big walleye! Good for them. Joe’s group has been struggling but I think things will improve by week’s end.
Check this out:
Doesn’t it look great! Cabin 4 is next.
Lisa finally sent her pictures from several weeks ago. I thought I’d photo fest them today. Enjoy!
Early in her stay, she witnessed an eagle enjoying a tasty fish snack:
Here are some more great eagle pictures:
How about an immature eagle:
Here are some mergansers rocking out:
I loved this heron picture:
Perhaps that heron was hanging out at the falls:
Smoke on the water:
We always say that we are rocks, trees and water up here. Here are some great rock pics:
How ’bout some trees:
Reflections, anyone?
I called Lisa over to photograph this incredible moth one morning (Gruper spied it originally). I think those are eggs beneath its wings.
Awesome! While we’re on bugs, I took this picture:
I like bugs and lizards…go figure.
Lisa’s family jumped into this trip with both feet:
Honestly one of my favorite pictures of all time:
Of course, a good Camp picture ranks pretty high as well:
I have some more photos to share later. For now, I’ll close with Lisa’s sunsets:)