Wow! It’s hard to believe it’s already August. I’m not sure where the time goes…
Last week’s group ended up doing pretty well! Tom and family had a great time and caught a lot of fish. Grant’s walleye made the Conservation Awards Program, and I hear he had a bass as well (hint, hint). Good for him! I checked the time stamp between the photo of him with his 24″ walleye and this photo of his release:
There is only a one-minute difference! That’s the way it should be. Also, Grant is releasing his walleye horizontally, which is also how it should be done! Sometimes it’s not just that the fish was released; it’s that it was done quickly and correctly so that fish can live:) Thank you so much, Grant!
Roy and family were new to the lake. We think they did pretty well for first-timers. Fred’s group were also Wabaskang virgins and couldn’t find fish the size they wanted but they found fish. I like it when brand new people find fish–it’s hard to know a lake in just a week’s time.
Our “used” guests–as opposed to new–are doing just fine. Larry and Ruthie have fished more this year than in previous years combined;) Bob and Pat always find what they want, and Sonny and Kathy have done well this summer! They did well this spring, too!
Curtis and his family returned this year. We have a couple of traditions–here’s one now:
Yes, that’s blueberry. So is this decadent piece of work:
That beast is 510 calories per slice! Kathy has been searching high and low for a blueberry cream pie. She supplied the stuff, I supplied the hands:) Here are cute peach-blueberry handpies I made for potluck last week:
I made 22 of the little buggers. Where is Rebecca when I need her??? By the way, she had a birthday Saturday and our oldest brother has one today (Happy Birthday, Dan).
Larry and Ruthie usually stay a while. We always have them in for “Larry’s Shrimp.” This year I decided to make a chocolate cheesecake:
That thing was too rich even for me! My gosh…
OK. Some of you are thinking I’m spending way too much time baking. Some of you realize that means something’s going on around here. Everybody meet Tyler. He started working for us today:
And that’s ’bout all I have to say about that.
Our island friends arrived Saturday. The girls found me a just right gift:
I’ll pair my glass’s tutu with the shoes Sandra sent:
(see the dragonfly?)
and be all set for potluck this week!
Bear baiting continues. Here are a couple of good shots:
I’ve actually caught a couple of sunsets lately:
I think I have time to do Karen’s photos from a couple of weeks ago. I had completed this entire entry earlier today, just to have it disappear and not publish:( I was not happy and went blueberry picking for a bit to clear my head. OK. Brett and Karen brought their children up for their first visit. Brett had been here many, many years ago (before us) and wanted to share the beauty with his family. Trent became a smallmouth fishing fanatic (Rebecca pronounced it “fan-a-tick” once and I loved it!). That’s him on the Conservation Awards page holding two nice smallies (the smaller one was dad’s)! Mom caught a smallie, too:
Tricia caught her first perch!
and stole a perch (making her a dirty picker of a different sort):
At least she didn’t steal Daddy’s perch:
The family roadtripped one day. The kids liked this moose (as does Sandra):
They also enjoyed guided berry picking with Andrea:)
With fewer geese around, the ducks have been visiting. Karen got a cute shot:
I still have good pics from Jeff’s group a couple of weeks ago; however, I think I’ll quit while things are going well! I’ll close with a nice sunset from Karen’s camera: