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Just Checking In

I know, I know…it’s been a while.  This is typically our “r & r” time of the season and this year is no different.  We’ve had fewer people in Camp, I made a quick trip home (Iowa, that is), and fishing has been very tough!  Add all that up and we get fewer pictures and/or blog fodder, ergo the increased gap between entries.  I’m sure you understand:)

I’ve always been bewildered by the misnomer “may”flies.  I have yet to see one in May.  When we see them it tends to be mid to late-June.  This year, however, we could easily call them Julyflies.  We have seen small amounts of them for over three weeks now.  I would much rather awake to a giant hatch covering the entire 15,000 acres of Wabaskang than to a handful every day for weeks!

We continue to experience one big electrical storm per week.  This week’s was last night (thank goodness, though, because we could cut the humidity with a knife yesterday).  We believe that these storms do not help the fishing situation.  The fronts seem to stir up and/or confuse the fish in my opinion.

Our Arkansas guys in the Bear’s Den last week actually did pretty well on eater walleye.  They were fishing super shallow for this time of year (8’ish) and pitching their crawler and bouncing it back among rocks.  It worked for them.  Gruper and I gave it a go Tuesday (yes, our 2nd time out together this year!).  We picked up a couple of walleye.  Mine was a good 15-16” eater; Gruper’s was smaller.  He will be quick to point out, though, that he had first, most and variety.  I caught one of the world’s smallest northern:


I think this moth was bigger:


I enjoyed the walleye for breakfast the following morning.  I’ve also been enjoying my other favorite breakfast meat:  salmon!


This week’s group have all fished Wabaskang in the past.  Everyone has picked up a few walleye but they are working for them.  Rod and family have been playing with northern and doing well!  He liked yesterday’s horrid humidity and south wind, so he headed to a favorite bay on 2nd Lake.  Son Corey caught a nice 28″er:


Big sister Melanie was not about to be outdone!  She beat him by a hair with this 28.5″er:


but then really kicked it in with this fat 33″er!


Dad did a good job of showing proper release method as well:)


Gruper caught a small smallie the other day–part of his “variety” win.  The Matzen brothers from a few weeks ago added four nice pics to our Conservation Awards page.  Their largest smallie;) was 19.5″!  They had several 18″ or greater and had a great time together.  Here are a couple of extra photos from them (thank you!):


Scott was here nearly a month ago!  He released this beautiful 23.5″ walleye.  I told him he should have squeezed the tail!  Apparently the extrinsic motivation of a Master Angler pin could not persuade him to lie!


I mentioned that I ran home for a few days.  Everything is fine.  It was an errand-running trip.  I returned to Camp exhausted!!  But, boy, did I get a good dose of love while I was there!  Jamie and Gavin were very happy to see me!


Mya and Mackayla played at the park


with Alysha and Emma


Kay and I had a breakfast (and she had some slime)


Sal and I got in a couple of good walks!  Rudy, Patty and I enjoyed a phenomenal shrimp boil


hosted by a most lovely matriarch:)


Some of you totally understand the value of good friends and family:


Until next time…

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