Yesterday’s snow pretty much melted off today. I took a good walk back from the B & P Variety. Along the way I saw a weasel-type critter but that’s about it. I didn’t have my camera so just use your imagination.
Steve and I drove down Peffley’s road today to check on the docks. They appear to have moved from where he left them. There were a bunch of mergansers down there and a bunch of golden eyes on our end of the big hole. I’ll try to get photos yet this week.
We could hear what I thought was a pileated woodpecker today. It turned out to be a flicker. We get redbellied woodpeckers at our Iowa house–they look a lot like a flicker–but the flickers up here are big and yellowish. We’ll end up with a ton of them around Camp.

They sound like a jackhammer when they peck.
I walked around some more looking for interesting stuff. That’s the nice thing about this blog: I’m trying to look at things through your eyes and am not taking things for granted as much. Behind Steve’s upper maintenance bldg. I found these odd bones.

We're pretty sure they're grouse.
In front of Steve’s lower maintenance bldg I found this odd creature.

Busy getting boats ready.
We keep hearing the drumming grouse. I walked way into the bush (behind Steve in the above photo). Finally a female grouse flew into the tree above me and I was able to get her picture (it’s becoming clear that I’ll need a super-duper camera if I’m going to be any kind of blogger).

It was way up high, eating something off the branches.
Speaking of grouse, I made a tasty grouse stirfry for dinner the other night. The ruffed grouse are all white meat and taste like chicken (to me). The spruce grouse are all dark meat and taste a bit like pine needles. I made a bison/broccoli/mushroom scramble for breakfast yesterday. Last night we had pizza and I put spicy bear sausage in the sauce. Tonight is eye of round moose steaks. I guess when I adopted my mom’s rule of “you kill it and clean it, I’ll cook it” I never knew what I was getting into!