Well, that was probably a cruel tease to those of you who receive an e-mail notification when I publish a new entry! I meant to save the title as a draft and accidentally published instead. My bad.
I think if we take this a chunk at a time I can entertain you at least a couple of times this week (in between guided picks). Jen, Phyllis, Vicki and I limited out yesterday. I even picked a few more raspberries for Gruper (good wife). Fishing was very good yesterday even though it was HOT, HOT, HOT! This entire week is supposed to be rough. It’s a good thing we have our southern contingent in Camp (Arkansas, Alabama and Kansas). Those of us from Iowa, Wisconsin and Colorado will hopefully be able to survive. Let’s get this party started!
and Katrina
visited a few weeks ago. It was Chad’s first visit; the other two have been here several times. Maggie and Sean couldn’t make it this year:( Anyway, I took the three of them to a brand new (to me) berry picking spot. They also had some of the best fishing they’ve had! Here’s just one example:
They had a large duck following here at Camp! Here are some nice pics of their friends:
This one had some serious duckitude:
An interesting pairaducks:
Ready for take-off!
The annual HUGE merganser brood:
Staying with the bird theme, I liked Katrina’s loon family photo:
We don’t care for cormorants…here they look like a scene from The Birds:
Here’s a lone gull on the dock (that’s one too many):
I liked this heron picture:
There was a great deal of comingling going on around the lake, especially at the falls:
Both Chad and Katrina took nice pictures of the falls! I really like this one of Chad’s and the scenery pics that follow:
A family tradition is visiting the bears at the dump:
Hopefully this is not a new tradition. Curtis towed in another camp’s boat:
Check out these beautiful sunsets! They had a week of them!
Katrina is a young college girl. She has learned one of life’s lessons: you have to kiss a lot of frogs…
A quick note about this past week. We marked the third anniversary of losing our niece Mackenzie and the first anniversary of losing our more-than-friend Rick. Both losses remind us of how precious life is. As a gentle reminder that life is a circle, our friends Jeremy and Tara gave birth to a precious little girl! Welcome, Rayna Faith.