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Writer's pictureBridget

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY

Happy Wednesday to you. 

Holy cow, the rain!  Our Iowa home has been getting a ton, and we know that the Milwaukee area has been awful as well.  We’re experiencing our own deluge here as well.  The lake continues to rise; I’m certain it’s the highest I’ve seen in seven years.  We had a HUGE downpour that started last Thurs. around 3:00 p.m. and lasted about 12 hours.  I awoke Friday just certain that our boats would be sunk.  Thank goodness they weren’t, but boy were they sitting low. 

It took about 15 min. per boat to pump them!  We had another big rain (and hail) last night.  The boats needed to be pumped again but they weren’t quite as bad. 

Before I continue, we want to give a big shout-out to Pat M.  She and Bob arrived Sat. for their annual two-week adventure.  Well, Pat’s gallbladder decided to wage war on her, and she and Bob drove back to Kansas Sunday (straight through!).  Pat’s nasty gallbladder was removed from her Tues. and she is due to return home today.  With any luck, we’ll still see them next week some time.  It’s hard to keep Pat down and even harder to keep her from fishing!  Heal well, Pat, and listen to your doctor!!!

We had had a couple of warm days (80ish).  Today is cooler, overcast and windy…great day for walleye slaying!  Our guests are doing pretty well all around on fish.  Our friends in the Bear’s Den got into some big smallmouth Monday and Tuesday.  They’re out fishing with Steve today.  I hope they know they’ll be soaking wet and tossed about!  George and Betty are back for their second year and continue to find walleye, northern and perch like they’ve lived here all their lives!  Qwent and company in Cabin 3 seem to be doing just fine for their first trip here.  Greg and Laura are also first-timers who seem to be enjoying the whole Canadian experience.  Laura and I caught our limit of blueberries yesterday;)

Last week ended nicely.  Bruce and Debbie seemed to genuinely enjoy themselves.  Bruce is due back up with the guys this weekend–what a trooper!  I grabbed their camera for blog fodder:

Meditating? Woodstock? Nope, blueberry picking:)

 It’s really a lovely crop this year.  Debbie picks like a crazy woman!  I can’t believe she found time to take photos!

A biker at heart...

Debbie, another woman of taste when it comes to footwear.

I believe this photo will be used at sports shows.

Beautiful! No surprise given all the rain we've had...

They said he just stopped and posed for them!

Have you ever been too afraid to ask…

I’ll close with a nice sunset photo from a couple of evenings ago.

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