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Writer's pictureBridget

The Fun Continues

Hey there.

Things continue to be a hoppin’ at Tall Pines Camp!  Bear hunts begin this Wed., so Gruper’s working the baits big time:


Yes, that’s popcorn!  Think about how that smells….then sprinkle some Jell-O powder on top.  Ummm, ummm.  Chris and Chris will hunt this week.  I’ll keep you posted about their results.

In his spare time, Gruper has begun putting down the wood for Cabin 7’s new roof:


Hopefully the metal will arrive late this week.  If so, this one’s ready!  We hope to put one on Cabin 3 this season as well.

My kitchen time continues; however, I’ve scaled it down a bit:


That’s applesauce with blueberries!  I love chunky applesauce and it’s easy to make–something I didn’t know until Missouri Pat told me how several falls ago.  Now, whenever I have a bunch of apples I whip up some applesauce.  Too many pies were making too much Andrea!  I needed the kitchen time, though, because…

you guessed it:  Tyler quit last Thursday.  What a total waste of our time.  The only thing to blame his quitting on is lackawanna.  He did not want to do anything, something we realized quickly.  He made it fewer than four days.  Two of our three employees this year completely wasted our time and energy.  We think we’ll cut our losses this year and finish things out ourselves.  We may die doing it, but at least we’ll save ourselves some grief.  Maybe next year will be better…?

Our island friends are here for two weeks.  Nice folks.  They came to potluck for sweet and sour chicken last week.  I told the girls they could use the computer to check e-mail, Facebook, etc.  Here’s where I found them:


Yes, they’re reading…books no less:)  Downright refreshing.

Our extended stays were all gone by Saturday.  Larry and Ruthie and Bob and Pat seemed to do fine fishing.  The comment continues that the fish are moving.  We think the lake’s been turning over this past couple of days which could slow things down quite a bit.  We added a nice walleye photo to the Conservation Awards page.  Jeff brought his two sons up last week.  They’re used to river fishing but switched gears for a week.  By week’s end they had tied into a couple of HUGE smallies and Jeff caught this on Friday:


That’s 26″ of walleye!  The real photo is on the Conservation Awards page, but I liked this one as well.  Steve H. returned with his dad and two sons.  They did pretty well on walleye and northern for the week.  Andy and Becky (no, not me and my sister) returned with grandson Noah.  I saw them with some good eater walleye as well as playing basketball one evening.  What a concept…moving after eating;)  Doug and John were new to us.  They fish hard!  They felt they had gotten to know the lake by week’s end, which is saying a lot in such a short time.

So far this week, we’ve seen some walleye and perch.  We have folks back who haven’t fish Wabaskang since prior to our being here!  We also have some brand new faces as well as some used faces.  Temps are dropping nicely, and we already need a jacket in the evening and early morning.  We could warm back up, but it feels like fall is closing in on us. 

Several weeks back, Jeff and co. visited us for the first time.  They managed to get a couple of picks for the Conservation Awards page.  Here are some other photos from their cameras:




Yes, Randy caught that.



Yes, Tyler caught that.


John from Indiana has some serious competition in the Red Horse category:


Here’s a nice reflection:


I love it when you can’t tell which way is up.

These guys like their sunsets:








Speaking of sunsets….here’s one I got:


See you next week.

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