That is the worst four-letter word I know. We awoke to it this morning:( Anyone who knows me well knows that I (Andrea) HATE snow!! I don’t like Iowa winters and certainly want no part of a NW Ontario one. Here are a couple of photos I shot this morning

Looking from my deck to the cleaning facility.

This is from the corner of our deck looking at the big hole.
Yes, I know it could be worse. I was shocked our second season up here when it snowed on Oct. 6!!! Holy cow: imagine if it did that every year–snowed through April and started again in Oct. They’d have only five months without snow. I can’t even stand the thought. Here are pictures from when he arrived last week, April 21.

Snow on the lower level April 21 '09.

Taken from our deck looking toward the Eagle's Nest cabin.
As a testament to my dislike of the snow, have you noticed that all of the photos are taken from our deck?!! If I could, I’d hibernate pretty much all winter. To prove how much worse things could be, I’ll close with these photos from May 1, 2008. We awoke to 18″ of fresh snow over what was already a bunch of snow. I would have headed back to Iowa but our vehicles wouldn’t make it out of the lower level:( Steve shoveled in hip-deep snow by the Bear’s Den.

That's Cabin 3 (from our deck of course).

That's the corner of the Bear's Den.