The above photo is from May 29…I finally found it. I was prompted to continue my search because they were calling for flurries last night (honest to God) and I was going to compare photos if it happened.
I know I’m late but the weather has been AWFUL and certainly does not bode well for posting. We have had rain, wind, COLD temps and combinations of all three for several days. When I say rain, I mean torrential downpours–days when boats needed to be pumped 4-5 times! The driveway developed huge ruts from the hard rain; the lake rose visibly (which is good); and guests were forced to shore wherever they were. We had a couple of huge thunderstorms with big lightning that made everyone nervous. Of course, none of this could happen on a slow week–it’s the busiest week of the season.
Last week was warm and wonderful! I spent a lot of time outside, and our guests were happy campers! Here’s Nancy and granddaughter Marissa after a canoe trip to the island and back:

Last week was honestly about picture perfect. Fishing was great, with repeat guests commenting that the walleye fishing was the best they’d ever had! Most folks found perch schooled up nicely. John and Rachel caught 40some in the same spot. North Bay seemed to be a great spot for walleye. 1st Lake–right here where we are–was producing walleye and perch as well as nice smallies near the falls. Brett and his buddies each caught a smallie for our Conservation Awards Program (at least 18″ each). I’ve posted their photos as well as John and Marie’s perch releases (at least 12″ each) on our website: www.tallpinescamp.com
Speaking of John and Marie, they kept the streak alive! They are the only guests to release a qualifying fish for all seven years of our program! Congratulations, you two! Marie’s perch was a hair longer than John’s, but both were fat little piggies! I’ll share more of their photos in a bit.
Despite this week’s weather, fishing has been very good. I’m hearing good things about 5th Lake, North Bay (again), 2nd Lake just through the narrows, and Keynote. The walleye are shallow–15′ maximum–probably even more so after this cold snap, i.e., they’ll stay shallow since the water has cooled.
A common thread last week was grief and healing. We welcome back Brett and his family…their first trip since losing Lee, Brett’s dad and a long-time angler of Wabaskang. I can tell that this visit was exactly what Brett needed and am so glad he decided to return. Apparently Brett is also an amateur seamstress (don’t know the male version of that word):

Our Cabin 6ers of last week were also dealing with very fresh grief, losing a son/brother in their foursome. By week’s end they knew they were where they belonged and reserved for next year as well. During the week, one of my three Bob H’s lost his mother. Bob, Roger and David have all visited Tall Pines Camp–Bob and Roger pretty much annually–and we were sad to see their group have to go mid-week.
Given all this rain, the laundry room has been a Godsend! People love having a dryer at their disposal. We’re still trying to clean the place up after such a major project. Sonny and Kathy got stuck pulling into their RV spot. Good thing they stay a while:)

I’m sure all this rain won’t help that situation. Only time will heal that wound, and the happiness of guests having a laundry room more than makes up for it!
Let’s do some Marie pics! We’ll start with incredible turtle action:

They have their own names for some of the scenery…like weeping wall.

Here’s a twisted tree:

Their beloved pictographs have begun growing lichens:

Marie said this water line looked like someone had shot a laser across the rocks:

The water has raised a bunch since that photo was taken a week or two ago. Here’s a look at rocks in North Bay:

Here’s a great reflection:

They managed to get a glimpse of some feathered friends as well:

You may be wondering how much fishing these two actually do! Well, they find plenty of time to do that as well:

John caught not 1, but 2, red horses–something I’d not heard of until now. Leave it to him to further my fishing knowledge:

That’s Dora sneaking into John’s bass photo. She a fish-licker from way back:

Honestly, it thrills her more than MilkBones. Marie did report, though, that Dora refused to lick a whitefish they caught(?) What’s up with that, Dora?

And, yes, John and Marie even keep a few fish to eat from time to time:

Unfortunately, they headed back to Indiana yesterday. Good folks who I always hate to see leave:(
Bye-bye until next year…

or next week, if you’re a blog follower.