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Writer's pictureBridget

October Frenzy

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

As we in the Midwest are just starting to see fall colors and leaves changing, up at Tall Pines, the last leaves have fallen, and they are preparing for winter. That doesn’t stop a certain two individuals from tackling the Wabby. While trying to get into North Bay, they encountered four foot waves, so they were forced to tuck back into Aerobus and some other calmer areas and commit to dissecting those. Dedication or craziness? I’ll let you be the judge…

Ryan commented that a ton of fish were caught in less than 15′- the shallow bite appears to be good all year. And notice how much fatter the jumbos are this time of year:

Of course perch weren’t the only fish they got into this week:

(I know some of you might be shaking your head at his head attire. Ryan says this is for all the Green Bay fans out there. Bears fans are willing to fish late season cause they are tougher- wink wink.)

In Melon’s iconic words, “It was insane”; yesterday was an epic day- crazy number of walleye. And congrats to Melon for catching his personal best walleye- a 23incher.

And messin around, they reeled in some decent northern too…

This here is truly a one of a kind friendship! 24 years ago Opie and Melon, (nicknames that have stuck) became fast friends. Though it started out with a common love for fishing, they have been there for each other through life’s up and downs, and have supported the different paths they’ve each taken. I honestly don’t know two more passionate and positive individuals than these two:

Now keep in mind that I’m down here in the states, and missing my husband terribly. He says he’s working. Yep. Such dedication, right? So, I’m not sure what his definition of “working” is these days, but clearly he’s not working 24/7. But it does let me appreciate the farmer wives out there, who may feel single during harvest, hardly getting time with their guys. Hang in there ladies! All joking aside, I think most guests would agree that he’s worked hard over the season to earn this playtime. And in between playdates, Ryan finally got a calm enough morning to move the docks. You can see from below how high the water level is:

Til next time folks…

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