Our first-week guests have arrived home safely. Sandi sent me these photos from her camera. They’re the ones who saw the bear on their way up.

I've still not seen one this year.
The night before the May 16th official opener was when we got the snow. I posted a few photos but was so overcome with grief that I opted more for hibernation. Sandi took this picture as I left their cabin and headed home.

Sandi’s husband Eldon hates the snow and cold as much as I. Sandi, on the other hand, loves all weather nasty! She decided to make herself a buddy.

Thank goodness the snow was melted off the following day. We’ve not had any since (knocking on wood as I type). In fact, the weather’s been pretty pleasant for the most part.
Sandi also shot a photo of another friend taking off:

See you guys in the fall.
Sandi was also able to get out and fish a bit…

Next time: the Conservation Awards Program