Greetings! Long time, no blog! We hope this message finds you all healthy, happy and ready to spend some time with loved ones.
Newsletters went out within the last week. If you haven’t received one, check your spam or junk folders; sometimes they end up there. If you have received one, you have heard the news: Steve and Andrea’s 15th year at Tall Pines Camp was their last. We hadn’t kept it a secret that we were “for sale,” so this probably isn’t too much of a surprise. Ryan and Bridget will transition during the winter and be ready to take the reins in May. You will love them! You’ll be hearing from them sooner than later. Also, this blog site will remain the official Tall Pines Camp site.
Our transition is beginning. I’ve been home since mid-October. I’ve taught a few days and have begun volunteering at our local Blood Center. Gruper arrived home a week or so after I, and he has been fishing, hanging out at the Y, and helping me condense the belongings from two homes into one (the smaller of the two no less).
Before Gruper made it to Iowa, he hosted Kraig for a moose hunt! Within the first hour of opening day Kraig had gotten his cow!
No doubt the snow helped with locating, tracking, etc. There was about 7″ on the ground when I headed home. Since Kraig had plenty of time left on his stay, he decided to put his wolf tag to use. This is a tough hunt since wolves tend to be nocturnal and are quite clever. Well….
These two critters more than compensated for Kraig’s lack of a bear this year! Besides, he has, like, six bears through Camp anyway;)
Our bird feeders in Iowa have been emptying awfully fast. Gruper decided to put up a trail cam to see what is going on…
They turn that feeder sideways and swipe their tongue right through the trough!
Eric finally sent some long-overdue pics from LAST MAY! He and his parents truly enjoy Wabaskang Lake. What I noticed about these photos was the extreme weather changes. Check it out!
Eric and Gary always find their walleye and northern:
They get out there every day and give it 110%!
And thoroughly enjoy the results!
Chris and Finn returned for their second year in JUNE (I received their photos just this week). Finn outfishes and dad which is just fine by Chris! Here are a couple of great shots:
Chris caught a super sunset!
On the family front things are OK. Niece Anna who had her second set of twins in September lost her home to Hurricane Michael. She and her husband Benny (and the four babies) are awaiting orders from the Air Force. Anywhere away from big water probably sounds very, very good. I’m trying to catch up with the other younguns’ before Gruper and I head to Florida for some decompressing.
Until you hear otherwise, feel free to communicate with us as in the past. We will keep our e-mail address for a year or so. Deposits can be mailed to our Iowa address and we’ll forward them to Ryan and Bridget. Camp’s “888” phone number for the messaging service will remain intact as well.
So many of you mean a lot to us. We have so many great stories and memories. We’ll be around: I plan to get some blueberries, Gruper wants some grouse, and we both want to fish. Perhaps we’ll bump into you along the way.
God bless you all. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!