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  • Writer's pictureBridget

Fall is Here...

Here in the states, we just officially began the fall season this week; but up at the Tall Pines, its been showing signs of fall for about 3 weeks now. Ryan has taken some great shots of the foliage and you can almost feel the crispness in the air in these pics:

One day, Ryan was invited for a leisure plane ride to see what Tall Pines and the Wabby look like from above- what a glorious view:

Fishing wise, not as much fodder as Ryan is now fishing solo (and probably loving it). His focus has been to experiment and try new areas with a variety of techniques. Ryan is excited to share what he's learning with next year's September anglers. And while we had only random boats sharing the water with us over the summer months, he now may not see a single boat while fishing the Wabaskang.

Water temps are now in the 50s. Walleye bite was best between 10-20 feet; Ryan targeted the 16-18' depth but caught many fish on the shallow and deep side as well.

On September 22 Ryan went fishing for a full day with low winds, sunny, and outdoor temp 70 degrees. Water temp was 58 degrees. He caught walleye all day long trolling, snap jigging, and bottom bounding. Towards the end of the day decided to cast a couple rock points and found large school of big smallmouth. In an hour he caught 25 or so smallies and 8 fish were over 18" with the biggest just shy of 20".

Earl and Patsy officially left about 2 weeks ago now. Yes, be reassured that they will be returning next year. Again, we are so grateful for all the hard work Earl put in as well as the companionship at camp. We are confident his good heart will continue to bring him many blessings. And, the guys got one last outing in and Ryan scored this gorgeous walleye:

With him now flying solo, Ryan continues doing what he can to prepare for your arrival next year. He most recently has been working on some bathroom repair to cabins 4 and 11:

And Cabin 2 remodel is starting to take shape; with the exterior work mostly done, he was able to build new bathroom walls, kitchen countertop, and is now working on kitchen table:

The campground guests will like this carpentry project of making and staining new stairs for bathhouse:

And in the workshop on a rain day he made some new fish hooks for cabins and built step to Bear's Den (for the hooks, Ryan found birch wood around camp which I peeled and then he clear coated):

The cool crisp mornings in a flannel with a hot mug of coffee, being one in nature, and having a beautiful lake almost entirely to yourself...its no wonder Ryan is in no hurry to leave.

After a hard day's work...

Some exciting news to share! We will be offering an ONLINE STORE in November! We hear from many who wanted to purchase apparel this year, so our supplier is working with us to create an opportunity for you to purchase some new swag in time for the holidays! We will be sharing the details in the next few weeks on website and social media, as it will be for a limited time so keep an eye out for it.

That's about it for now. I will wrap up with this rare glimpse Ryan captured while waiting out a storm at camp recently. God is watching over us and Tall Pines. We find hope in this rainbow. We know you have your own storms in your own lives, and some storms are lasting longer than you like. May God bless you and keep you. May His face shine down on you and be gracious to you and give you peace.

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