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Writer's pictureBridget

Online Store Details

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

Hello Tall Pines friends and family. With Halloween upon us, you are probably all busy with activities, and hopefully enjoying the visual beauty of this season. A shorter blog this time with some details about the anticipated Online Store as well as some final pics of the "season" up at camp.

First, we are excited to offer for the first time ever, an online Tall Pines store! We know that many of you were looking forward to purchasing some new swag at camp this year. And with the holidays approaching, we thought this the perfect time to offer you the opportunity to buy using an online store.

The company we are going through is MelonInk (a family-run small business in the U.S.). They will allow you to purchase directly from them using a link for the Tall Pines Store, and they will ship directly to you. While we will offer more in our physical store next season, there are 7 items ranging from hoodies to fleece, a tumbler, and 2 new hats. We took some suggestions from our Tall Pines Blog Members (Wix app), and tried to include a few color and size options, so we hope that there is something for everyone on your list.

The online store will "open" on Wednesday, November 4th. and will run for a limited time! You can shop November 4-29th so that orders can be processed and shipped in time to arrive for Christmas. Therefore, once the store closes, you will have to wait until next season at camp for next opportunity to get your apparel. The prices will be listed on the store link, and you can pay by credit card. I would recommend using the sizing charts provided when making selections. Look for the store link on our website and through social media posts beginning November 4th!

Please feel free to share the link with others, and if this year's online store is a success, we may make this an annual thing.

As far as camp life, Ryan has been counting down the last days of fishing and hunting, winding down with moving docks, closing cabins for winter, and general shut down tasks. He got a taste of winter with some snow last week

Love the textures in this one:

Ryan moved docks on one of last calm days before water started freezing. Yes, you can see how low the Wabby is right now. While it was fishable all year because it had started so high, we just didn't get much rain this year; we are hopeful for a lot of snow this winter

staying warm by the fire...

The first two weeks of October provided exceptional grouse hunting! Ryan got his daily limits, and got creative with ways to make it- buffalo grouse dip anyone- so he could maximize his hunting adventures. He sure enjoyed scouting out new trails, and once the ground cover was just right, they were abundant.

Love the tree line colors here:

A true "Where's Waldo" challenge:

Here was a combo day of fishing and hunting:

some final solo fishing excursions:

We want to save a few surprises for our guests for 2021, but I'll tease a little and share some of the updates on camp projects Ryan was up to this last month:

"New" custom frames for some mirrors, and toiletry shelving made with leftover materials pictured above; below, the cabins will now have a Tall Pine #

New bartop custom made for cabin 4:

Cabin 2 is almost done, with just a few loose ends/cleaning to tie up in spring:

The cabin 2 remodel is basically a miracle. While it had been high on our priority list, we simply had no money to invest in this project. By being creative, Ryan was able to repurpose/recycle materials we already had- thus making our vision a reality- with it only costing time and the price of 2 tubes of caulk. No joke.

A special shout out to all our current and former servicemen as Veteran's Day is next week. Our nephew Ben joined the Navy this fall, and is almost finished with bootcamp. He is our third nephew now to join the military in two years and we are so proud of them for that. We thank all our Veterans for their service.

We will send out a winter newsletter in December to all the email addresses we have on file, and we continue to take reservations for 2021. We do have some random openings as some guests' schedules changed for next year, so inquire if you're curious; until then, thanks to each of you for your good will, support, and enthusiasm for everything Tall Pines.

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