Ready for take-off?

In bowling, I think they’d call this a turkey; in hockey, a hat trick; in horse racing, a trifecta…or something along those lines! We just finished a third consecutive week of great guests, great fishing, great memories, great weather…OK, I might be engaging in a bit of hyperbole about the weather;) The rains continue, and Wabaskang is still on the rise. I don’t know if lake level contributes to great fishing but if so, I say let it rain! The rains occur mostly overnight with the occasional midday shower (in fact, we just had a brief shower). I haven’t had to water flowers once this season. My lupines are looking lovely:

The weather held long enough for Cabin 9 to get her new lid! Here she is from strapping to fully-tinned:

Cabin 10 is next. The materials are all here, and Gruper and Murray and ready. We just need cooperative weather and time. We may be in luck this week–we have a fairly small camp. I am anticipating a little fishing this week! I will not fish for this little lady, though

We have a bass nesting very near the pet northerns! I watched her chase one off the other day! It’s fun to check on her. Gruper feeds her dead crawlers (she seems delighted).
This dude was running around Camp the other day

He was over by the boat launch area. I was worried about him but he proved he could run if threatened.
I received a few nice photos from week-before-last’s people (thank you). Curt forwarded a nice shot of Joanie’s northern:

Mark sent along a nice pic of their perch mess, a good mixed bag to clean, and a great pic of Sandy’s northern. She is wearing gripper gloves which gave her new-found confidence in fish handling:

He also sent along a fat smallie pic that I added to our Conservation Page (
Mark may have a bit of perch competition! Curt, Tom and Jacob visited this week. Curt had been here before. He wanted his dad Tom and son Jacob to experience Canadian fishing and, bless his heart, Tall Pines Camp:) I added Jake’s 37″ northern and 26″ walleye pics to the Conservation Page. Tom contributed a 27″ walleye release to the page as well. Curt rounded us out with a 35″ northern release. Grandpa and Grandson shared a walleye moment here:

The BIG story for these three, however, was the perch. I shared these two pics on our facebook page:

Here is the biggest perch we’ve seen caught at Tall Pines Camp in our nearly 11 years: 15″

Curt reports that they will return for future fishing trips–I’ll bet!
Another Jake (we had three in Camp last week) added a great 24″ walleye to our Conservation Page. Here it is closer-up:

Evan added a 25″ walleye to the Conservation Page. Here’s a great picture of his release:

Don and Linda returned after a 2 or 3-year hiatus. It was good having them back. Don added a big smallie to the Conservation Page. Here he is measuring a nice walleye for release as well:

As far as fishing information, everything seemed to be working again this week. Leeches and crawlers were hot-topic. Curt and his crew were using mostly artificials. Walleye depths were reported around 10′. Becky and Al purchased jig head colors at my recommendation. Becky liked the red/black combo after Day 1, but I think everything was working for them by mid-week. They kept themselves in nice eaters every day.
Every single person in Camp attended potluck. 40ish people, and I could name every single one of them! That’s pretty good given the late-June tireds;) We had roast pork and tons of sides! It was indeed a feed.
Moose were spotted in Mud and Ruby. Victoria and I saw a yearling calf on our way to Ear Falls.
I anticipate another entry this week since we’re quieter than we’ve been. Phyllis gave me her camera card to comb through so perhaps I’ll do a photo fest midweek. Let’s close with Curt’s “son”set interpretation:) Rumor has it that Lee released a 25” walleye yesterday, too! Maybe I’ll have a pic…
