Sorry I left you hanging last week! I’ll try and make up for it this week. As we are already wrapping up our first season at Tall Pines, I found this quote appropriate: “Don’t cry because it’s over; Smile because it happened.”
Those that took advantage of our fall fishing and hunting definitely came back smiling:

So these three nicknamed themselves “F.L.O.W” for Fishing Ladies on the Wabby:

Sue, Sue, and Cherie sure knew how to fish:

As well as have a good time at the Whiskey Jack:

And a few nights of games and drinks in their cozy warm cabin:

They also took advantage of seclusion with shore lunch:

And sure had some fun with Earl:

They also had some good laughs with Ryan:

And enjoyed the evenings’ full moons and sunsets:

Andrea and Colton, last year’s honeymooners who returned for an anniversary trip, fared pretty darn well with the walleye:

While fishing, this couple really soaked in all the wildlife as well:

Observing multiple bald eagles together is not an uncommon sight up here:

Looks like filming for Hitchcock’s The Birds:

Love this loon washing himself:

Colton and Andrea also shot some amazing scenery pics:

This one looked a little scary to me:

I love this camp pic as you can almost feel the crisp yet clean air, and the angle shows how we really are nestled in the pine trees:

Guest Houly had so much fun earlier this season, he had to come back for some fishing and grouse hunting. As a farmer, this was a silver lining in the late planting of crops- he’s usually in the field harvesting by now, but not this year- this guy is one true outdoorsmen:

And here Houly tries our version of “farm to table”:

Glad Earl got a chance to fillet with a change in scenery that day! Ryan, not wanting to be left out, caught and released this healthy walleye:

Holy Cow Gruper! Steve and Andrea returned one more time this season, and they didn’t mess around:
And this non-edited beauty that Ryan took is Earl’s Inspirational Pic of the Week, as I believe he was on the boat with Ryan and they were having a moment 🙂

(This is where the sappy melancholy song would start playing) This was Earl and Patsy’s last week for this season. They are returning to their other home in Newfoundland after making a stop to visit their grandbabies and daughter, Gina. We are filled with gratitude that they answered a prayer, when there were so many unknowns about what this year would bring. We had faith, and God sent us these two amazing people. Many may not know, but Patsy worked all season up in Ear Falls at Trillium’s restaurant on the morning shift. Since Earl worked many a late night, that didn’t leave much time for the two of them, but they never once complained. We thank Earl for his dedication in going above and beyond, and Patsy for her support as being a wife in this business is one of sacrifice.
Though we are wrapping up the “official” 2019 season, I am sure to have some more blogs as pictures continue coming in, and we have a few stragglers visiting still. And Ryan will remain at camp, saying this is his favorite time of year up there, so we’ll keep you posted.