Some of you are probably reeling by the fact that I’m managing to post yet another entry this week! I want to keep caught up on trail cam photos so I’ve been allowing extra time between blueberry hunts to work on blog photos. Today will be my third consecutive day of blueberry guiding; it’s a tough job but someone has to do it. In addition, I’ve received some really nice photos from folks who usually hide in the bushes! I’ll start with Ruthie’s sunsets:)

This one is absolutely perfect, but then again I LOVE silver sunsets:

Bruce and family were here last week. I posted his Uncle Tom’s 40″ northern on our Conservation Awards page (it’s a nice pic). They, too, took some very nice scenery pictures. They managed to find quite a bit of beauty during a week that was cold, drizzly, etc. It’s always good for me to see my surroundings through the eyes of others–it helps me appreciate my world.

Look at the colors in this sky:

Speaking of colors, here’s a nice rainbow:

They saw a bear swimming in the lake:

He got out and shook himself off:

Here are some more trail cam pictures:

These are some big bears:

Check out the size of this raven!

I believe the bear in the foreground of this picture is answering the age-old question: Does a bear…?

Does a wolf…?

I’ll close with a creepy night eyes picture:
