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Writer's pictureBridget


Yes, that’s right…we’re ’bout halfway through the season already. My how time flies.

The rains have finally slowed. Look–we have a beach again


OK, it’s not much of a beach but it’s more sand than we’ve seen all season!

Temps were fairly cool early last week but things heated up by Wednesday. We’re cool again yesterday and today, but the weather person promises upper 80’s this week. Feast or famine it seems!

Fishing was still slower last week. A small mayfly hatch may have accounted for part of it. Again, the volatile weather certainly doesn’t help. Folks seemed to do OK, though. Smallies have moved from their beds into deeper territory. Several slot northerns were caught last week but no monsters.

Chuck and Amy were first timers. They brought Dominik, Shannon and Devin. This family traveled as a pack and fished hard. By week’s end, they had it (I suggested they stay for two weeks…). Here’s a nice perch mess they harvested:


They promise to return next year and now have a “hot spot” where they can start.

Lee and Cindy are still here:) I’m not sure if they’re ever leaving. That’s fine by us, though, as they’re pretty low maintenance. They got a great picture of two cormorants visiting a gull rock:

cormorants and gulls

We’re not fond of gulls but we’re waaaaay less fond of cormorants. Hopefully the gulls ran them off! Here’s a nice merganser–they’re totally fine.


Halftime is usually about when another favorite activity at Tall Pines Camp begins: bear baiting. Gruper’s checking his camera cards and getting his master-baiter schedule put together. Here are a couple of great pics from last year’s baiting escapades:



Bear baiting time means even more teamwork than usual. By halftime, though, we usually have a pretty solid routine in place. Dixie caught Gruper and I both working on a Sunday morning (Murray’s day off). Gruper worked one dock while I worked the other:



Dixie took lots of pictures during her virgin voyage to Tall Pines Camp. I’ll share them over the course of a few entries:) This is Dixie


That is the only pic I have of her because she was so busy taking pics of everyone and everything else! She got some great photos! This is her hubby Randy

Dixies randy

They were visiting with Dan and Diane. You may recall that Diane added a nice 23″ walleye to our Conservation Page ( Here’s Diane having Dan net another fish for her


OK. Maybe it was Dan’s fish…


Dixie took some great nature shots! Here’s a great eagle


Check out this bee pollinating a beautiful lupine


That baby flicker I shared last week made it at least as far as the driveway


I love this gooseneck reflection


During their stay it rained a ton. Here’s a great shot of the curtain of rain coming toward Camp


All that rain made for random pieces of trees and land floating by all day long


That week’s group was rewarded for putting up with so much rain by witnessing incredible sunsets every evening. Dixie got ’em all I think! I’ll close with one beauty

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