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July 5

Greetings!  We hope you are still enjoying time with family and friends in celebration of July 4!  This is a less-busy time of year for us, so we are enjoying the weekend for different reasons!  Niece Anna celebrated her birthday on Canada Day (July 1)!

We have been very hazy here as a result of so many fires.  Most of the fires are far, far away, but the smoke gets carried to us and is visible.  It’s been raining on and off since last night, which has helped clear the air.  My sinuses don’t know if it’s the smoke, the rain, or what…but they have not been happy!

We began staining cabins last week.  5 & 6 are pretty much done but we ran out of stain so are at a stand still.  What did I do with the down time from painting;

white board

That’s right, I took a watercolor class (nothing like irony, I say).  I made several items; I kept these three:


This week we will make wooden signs!  I can’t wait, as I have a perfect one in mind for Camp.

Fishing was a little tough last week.  The mayflies kept showing their ugly heads which presented challenges throughout the week.  Folks caught fish, but the problem was that they were scattered, i.e., they’d catch 1-2 in one spot, then have to move to find another 1-2, etc.  Wes was new to us and released a 25″ walleye!  I forgot to give him his Conservation Award and also did not get his picture.  Wes, I hope you follow the blog… Doug was new and released a 23.5″ walleye!  I was going to allow him to squeeze the tail to make it 24″ and forgot (again)!!!   I did add Alan’s 24″ walleye from the week prior to our page, though.

Mark and Sandy were here a few weeks ago.  They have several traditions, usually accompanied by Dan and Kari.  This year they had to go it alone, though.  Following potluck they take a moose drive.  What’s that up ahead on the left?


By golly, it’s a moose!


If the dump’s open, they swing in to check for bears.  Well, looky there, a bear!


They spotted a loon nest while fishing (probably for perch) one day:


Check out my lupines by the Lake:


They are going crazy!  My geranium still hasn’t bloomed but I think it wants to.  I have roses ready to open near Cabin 11 and will post when it’s official.

Aaron and Kevin’s pics are up for a photo fest!  These guys are heavy on tradition!  For instance, they make similar stops along the way to Camp:

cheese heads

They have several traditions involving beers, e.g., prize beers, 1st night beers, beer beers…as well as special glasses from which to partake:


These guys enjoy their food, too!  You may recall that they served Aaron’s incredible ribs at last year’s potluck.  Here are some incredible brat-type things:

brat things

Am I crazy, or are these giant steaks kissing?

kissing steaks

Is Aaron crazy…?


I hope they didn’t fillet this moth!


Kevin is a very patient man.  It takes A LOT of patience to deal with Aaron.  Here, Kevin patiently unweaves a walleye from the net:


These guys catch a lot of fish:


Maybe while they’re fishing at Big Nose:


or in front of Mud Lake:


I wonder if they catch them on bright, sunshiny days…

sunshine day

I know they don’t catch them at the Whiskeyjack:


or while hanging out with Murray:


or while enjoying a sunset from their porch like good friends should:


What I do know is that they’ll be back next year, to carry on more traditions! Some of my good friends got together Thursday and thought of me!  Happy belated bday, Sal!  See you and Pat in August!!

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