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Writer's pictureBridget

Now That’s More Like It!

Greetings, Everyone!

We hope your Victoria Day was grand;) Ours was fine, and we are celebrating things being a bit more “normal” around here. Most of our guests understand the role that weather plays in our ability to function, especially this early in the season. One guest didn’t seem the least bit phased by the absence of docks for opener:

The dock problem was short-lived. Gruper was able to slide them into place while folks were out fishing Sunday afternoon:

I celebrated by breaking out my new footwear. It’s hard to see, but the piping trim is very pretty pink:

Now that the docks are in place we both seem more relaxed. Gruper can concentrate on his septic problem:

…and I can take time to reflect:

As for our anglers, they report full access to all 15,000 acres of Wabaskang as of Monday. We’re relieved that they lost only a couple of days’ access and are now free to fish anywhere! I set up my outside office yesterday and will begin adding big fish pictures to the website. I have a 24″ walleye and a 41.5″ northern so far. I’m sure I’ll be adding a bunch by Friday. In the meantime, here’s a nice laker that Jim caught:

Yesterday appeared to be a great perch day for those who know where to go. We are very gray, misty and cool today. I’m not complaining, though. I’ve seen what it could be and will embrace anything but the “s” word. Besides, we’ve been blessed with a few beautiful days in a row! Here’s a shimmery pic for my gal, Sal, at home:)

She posts beautiful pics from our walks along the Mississippi in Iowa, so I figure I should share one from here:) I’ll try to do another post Fridayish. I don’t want to spoil you though!

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