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Writer's pictureBridget

Off to the Races

Our 2016 season is officially underway!  We have a nice group of anglers–mostly used but a few new.  The temps are unseasonably warm right now.  Wabaskang’s temps are already registering in the mid-60’s. We awoke to a nice rain this morning, and the forecast promises more.  Earlier in the week I got a shot of some pollen–not a mess-with-my-head pollen, but something different (birch perhaps?):


We have at least three pet northerns already!  I tried to get a shot this morning but we’re a bit too overcast for a good shot.  That’s OK, though, as we’ll probably have more by next week.

Look what got delivered this week:


That’s right:  a brand-new-in-the-box G3 with a 40-hp!  That brings our fleet of 40’s to four!  It’s a good-looking boat and will be water-ready within a few days (I’m sure big into hyphenating today).

It’s been so lovely outside that I’m having trouble staying inside.  I decided to freshen a bunch of signs:

office sign
bd signs

I did not paint a sign for this den, however:


Murray got the whole place mowed and then headed inside Cabin 2.  We liked last year’s new countertop in Cabin 4 so well–and it held up over the winter–that we asked Murray to do the same in Cabin 2.  He took it even further and moved the shelving unit to the wall to create more counter space!

cabin 2

We have all of the supplies for Cabin 2 to get a beautiful metal roof as well.

We’ve had a couple more beautiful sunsets.  I took several pictures of the same one, unable to decide which I liked best.  Here are two:


Short-but-sweet (both this entry and its writer)!  Hopefully I’ll be able to share some fish pics by week’s end.  Happy Victoria Day!

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