Hi there from the very cold, rainy north! Holy cow…the weather’s been downright crappy for a couple of days. Yesterday felt like a bad day in late September: high in the 40’s, super windy, rainy, and gray. I found things to do inside alllllll day. Today is better, with temps around 60 and a bit of sunshine. There’s a good chop on the water which is always good.
Fishing continues to be dandy! We have a mix of new and used guests this week, and everyone is finding fish. A fourth week of happy campers would be grand, I say.
Phyllis let me dump her card before they headed back to Arkansas. They’re coming back up in August, so I’d better do a good job with her pictures.
Prepare for landing…

Phyllis decided that pelicans are cool and photo-worthy. Here’s a nice bunch flying…let’s hope they keep going (you see, pelicans like to eat baby fish…)…


when they drop out of the sky like this,

it means they’re landing

See the knob on the right one’s bill? That’s the male. He keeps that knob during courting and mating, then loses it. Personally, I think he looks better without it but apparently it’s a lady magnet(?)
On to birds we like as long as they stay on the water

We have two goose families around here and a few duck families. We prefer the geese just swim around and poop where they drink:) We like loons all the time

and butterflies are pretty darned harmless

Phyllis and Wayne fished with Victoria and Alan in the mornings. This is Phyllis,

here’s Wayne,

and here’s Victoria

I have no idea where Alan is. Maybe he caught this mixed bag though

My, what vicious teeth you have

That’s the mouth of a mount in the Bear’s Den!!!
Phyllis and Victoria are two of many sisters. All (or most) of the sisters are way into quilting. Phyllis and Victoria spent their afternoons working on a variety of quilts. Here’s one for a wedding…

Phyllis got some lovely scenery pics. This hole in the sky was beautiful. We admired it from Camp. I told them that I like to think people we love are shining down on us…

Here are a couple of beautiful, colorful reflections:

I chose this reflection as a closer…I plan to return Sunday!
