Happy Saturday!
Things are beginning to be a bit more normal around here. Our phone was fixed yesterday (several days ahead of schedule)! We are able to come and go thanks to this piece of machinery:
Check out its tracks:
Gruper has gained entry to one of his buildings and was able to get the trash truck and Toyota out:
He shoveled us a path to my command central under the Bear’s Den as well:
Freya ventured outside for a preliminary investigation of her new digs:
She still prefers the basement, though:
I think she’ll adjust, given enough time. She is a spaz and freaks out easily.
I’ve been putting things away and dealing with seasonal affective disorder as best I can. I walked yesterday and visited everyone in town (Patty at the post office and Graham and Laura at the Whiskeyjack). Have I ever shared the dead fly phenomenon with you? When we arrive each spring the house is as clean as Gruper left it in the fall. There is very little dust, virtually no cobwebs, etc. However, there is always this:
The living room floor has hundreds of dead flies on it! I’d blame it on the bats but I don’t think they’ve arrived yet. Just plain weird.
I’m also working on a super secret project. I can’t share it because it might ruin a surprise for someone. Stay tuned.
OK. I’ve gone through the trail cam pics and will post them in chronological order. Of interest to us was watching the lake ice-over in the early pictures. I left the time stamps on so you could see. I shared some because of the snow and some–I can’t believe I’m saying this about any winter picture–because of the beauty. Go figure. Enjoy! I’ll be back soon.
Run, Gruper, run (toward Iowa):
Here comes the ice:
Santa will never make it:
We were in Nebraska for niece Anna’s lovely wedding to Benny. Folks up here were wishing they were in Nebraska:
April Fool’s Day (only if you live here year-round!!!):
My arrival (pulling my trolling motor box sled and carrying the cat caddy) followed by Jeremy’s snowmobile pulling a real sled of our stuff: