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Writer's pictureBridget


Wow!  We have had FIVE consecutive days of sunshine and temps in the 70’s and 80’s.  I think we went straight from winter to summer.  While I am pleased as punch about this development, bright blue skies do not bode well for walleye anglers.  Folks are still finding them but they’re having to work harder.  They had come on strong toward the end of last week; however, this weather change has slowed them down a bit.  We know they’ve moved deeper–from 8-12 feet last week to 15+ feet this week.  We also know the water temp has warmed considerably–from mid-50’s last week to 60’s this week.  Using that info we should be able to get on them as soon as the blue skies cloud up a bit.

I have heard of a 24″ and a 25.5″ walleye released this week.  Can’t wait to see the pictures!  Also, we’ve continued to have HUGE northern and smallmouth reports.  Rumor has it the huge northern can be seen sunning over in North Bay…

I thought I should catch you all up on our pets.  The baby geese are still cute.  They haven’t quite hit the geeky teenager stage yet.

They'll ugly-up in a couple of weeks.

They'll ugly-up in a couple of weeks.

We have at least six northerns hanging out at the dock waiting for dead minnows.  Here’s one now:

Northern friend

My girl is loving the sunshine.

I love her so much it's wrong.

I love her so much it's wrong.

I took Rachel, an annual guest from Illinois, moose stomping a few weeks back.  We had a blast–she’s a little “wrong” herself when it comes to moose.  We saw two that day.  She sent me a couple of photos:

Rachels moose
This is how we see most of them--running into the bush.

This is how we see most of them--running into the bush.

Rachel also caught some nice sunset photos:

Rachels sunset
I called this one a rainbow sunset--beautiful.

I called this one a rainbow sunset--beautiful.

Given my odd fondness for reflections, I LOVED this photo!

Given my odd fondness for reflections, I LOVED this photo!

Thanks Rachel!  See you guys in Rock Island and again next year:)

While we’re here, let’s take a look at some more of John & Marie’s pictures.  I miss them, and this way I can still enjoy them long after they’ve returned home.

Do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see?

How about now?

How about now?

How cool is that?

How cool is that?

Loon Stretching
That light green moss is awesome.

That light green moss is awesome.

Hey Lady!  You gotta' nice bass

Hey Lady! You gotta' nice bass

and a nice guy:)

and a nice guy:)

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