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Writer's pictureBridget

Week 9 Wrap Up

Updated: Oct 9, 2021

Is July going too fast for anyone else out there? This is a time for pause- to just take a deep breath and relish the moment. Good size smallies were the standout catch this week for numerous guests.

Lots of keeper size pike and some walleye. Some perch in there too. Some previous honey hole spots were disappointing, while some others produced quite well. Winds were tough on the 3rd lake, so first and second lake and North Bay area were more popular.

Jim caught this gorgeous northern:

This beauty of a Northern was caught on a 6lb testline- took some clever reeling, patience, and net skills to get him in but they got-er-done:

We had numerous couples in camp this week, most with more history here than Ryan and me, and all were a joy to have with us. Jim, Candy, Connie, Pete, Paul and Karen shared some good stories over campfire and just hanging out. We thank each and every guest for the conversations, positive feedback, and giving camp such a happy vibe.

Dennis boated a 38″ Northern on his last day all on his own as he was driving solo that outing and still managed to snap these:

Drew, his dad Pete, and 3 adorable daughters had a great family vacation. Captured this one of him having some father-daughter time fishing til dark:

My brother Brad, flew in from Tennessee and got addicted to the Wabby in no time. My Dad – infamously competitive- tried to outfish Brad the entire week, and the outcome is controversial of course.

It definitely isn’t dry anymore. We’ve had some significant rain this past week- usually a couple hours and then rest of day was fine. So thank you to all those praying for rain to put out forest fires up this way- it worked!

We listened to guest feedback, and found time this week to give the Eagle’s Nest kitchen a little face-lift:

Meatloaf at Potluck with some delicious sides and desserts. Root beer float pie anyone? It was decided I may start including some recipes shared by guests that are a hit (hint-hint Candy)

These two made fast friends as well as winning partners playing Pitch (a Eucre type card game). A true testament of how those with opposing views can still come together despite their differences :

I appreciated my Dad wearing Sox attire the entire vacation as we had a few Cubs fans this week also representing

Blueberry picking has officially started! My mom was a trooper in re-con as well as the first pick-

These three used their loot for ice-cream topping when they got back to camp:

Even got some swivel bucket seats at a sports show specially for blueberry picking- they work!

And Maggie and her sisters made some drawings- here is her picture of the falls:

And this re-enactment drawing of the girls’ watching a mama northern bite into a smaller northern they hooked became Earl’s Inspirational Pic of the Week:

Keep using to send us your fish fodder or contact us. We have a few new openings still left this season, grouse hunting season in September/early October, and don’t forget second trip special 25% off your return trip this year. Til next time…

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