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Writer's pictureBridget


a week makes!  I need to say thanks to those of you who were worried about me after last week’s post.  It’s nice to know you care!  Rest assured, things are soooooo much better! 

Fishing improved 100% last week!  Both walleye and perch were PLENTIFUL.  The walleye have moved to their fall spots.  Many were caught on both 2nd and 3rd Lakes, as well as some in North Bay.  The depth went from 12-15 the previous week to 22-25ish now.  Perch were caught in several key places.  Tom and Carrie were new to us.  They wanted to get their limits in walleye and perch…they achieved their goal.  Here’s Carrie with some of their 100 perch:


Here she is with a nice walleye as well:


They had a nice catch of walleye and northern one day:


Tom caught this nice northern;)


Carrie proved to be the fastest, cleanest blueberry picker I’ve known.  Wayne and LeaAnn were hard pickers as well!  Not only that–they tent camped!  I always find that fascinating.  They set a fishing goal of 100 northerns released throughout the week.  They met their goal on Friday!  Tom and Carrie also showed them some of the finer points of walleye fishing, and they caught walleye! 

Mark and Donnie were back for their third year.  NOTE:  do not let Donnie make you a blueberry mojito!  Whew!  They really enjoy their vacation and time away:


Kraig and Jen are hanging out.  Jen hunts berries; Kraig hunts bears.  Here he is in full garb:


He likes to use beaver hides for bait (I’m guessing they stink to high Heaven).  Here’s a bear trying to get to a beaver:


In a later pic, the hide was gone!  Mission accomplished! 

Tom and Carrie took a cool pic at the falls:


The Thomas family was here a few weeks ago.  As promised, Katrina sent me some of their photos.  They travel as a pack and enjoy each others’ company to the max.  Here are a couple of fish pics:



They enjoy berry picking and bear watching:


They take in a lot of nature while on the lake.  Here’s a beaver hut,


some gulls on a rock,


a soaring eagle,


a pesky cormorant among the gulls,


a sweet mama duck,


a sleepy golden eye,


and Sean with a HUGE catch!


They also caught a lovely sunset:


Ron and Karna returned Friday to spend some fall time.  When they were here this spring, Ron took an incredible photo of Eldon sitting on a post in front of their cabin.  He returned home and had the good folks at Forbes Office Solutions in Newton, IA, superimpose a flag in the background.  Here’s the result:


It turned out very, very cool!  Thank you!

Before I sign off, we need to say good-bye to yet another friend from home this summer.  Charles “Rick” Ricketts passed away last week of Lewy Body Disease.  Rick was far more than a friend to Gruper and me; he always made us feel like family and we loved him very much.  We have been regular attendees at their holiday tables and family celebrations for many years.  Rick was able to visit Tall Pines Camp a few times, and we will hold those memories dear.  Our love goes out to Pat, Rudy, Patty and Jay.

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