It’s official: the 2018 season has begun! Here’s a sign of the times…
We fixed the broken post and got ‘er done! The weather has been awfully nice, and we’ve been able to get lots of outside work done. We finally received a lot of rain Friday, and the lake has risen visibly; however, we could use more rain and I’ll not complain if we get more.
Yesterday was walleye opener. Darnell, Party of 4, returned with great expectations! Keynote did not disappoint yesterday, and the group was able to find many nice walleye. Vicky reported that 4, 20’s; 3, 19’s; and several 18’s were returned to Wabaskang. She knows that pleases us to no end! Here are a few nice shots:
The group also found some smallies yesterday evening:
Their adventure was not without its challenges, however. There was a small problem with the trailer hitch en route
Vicky had to tolerate A LOT of snoring and had to BUY HER OWN COFFEE (etiquette dictates that the driver has to purchase nothing)…
and there was a social hour almost immediately after they arrived (her cheesecake is to.die.for.)
Male bonding…
She took a pretty picture:)
and even spotted a Grupe in the wild!
Speaking of Gruper, he found some really cool moss!
It’s really pretty green, resembles coral, and creeps! I think we should transplant it to the hill in front of Cabins 2 and 3! While examining the moss I saw bird carnage:
Something got hold of a grouse I guess:( There were lots of feathers and parts:(
I had a nice shot at some glitter the other night
but nothing tops this sunset! It had every color imaginable:) See you next week!