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Writer's pictureBridget

Time for a Foto Fest!

Updated: Mar 20, 2020


Well, my birthday was Monday and I received the best present EVER–RAIN!!!  We had the most rain we’ve seen all season.  It was enough to perhaps make moving the docks a bit easier on Gruper.  We still need more but at least we got some:)  It had been a good month since we’d had more than a tiny sprinkle.  Thank you, God!

Last week was a good one at Tall Pines Camp!  We had a nearly mirror image of last year’s group.  We love it when all of our guests know each other.  We had one new group, and everyone else was well used.  Fishing was good and continues to improve.  1st and 2nd Lakes were producing walleye in their typical “fall” spots.  Depths started at 13ish’ and began deepening to about 18′ as the week progressed.  I added Jim and Bruce’s nice walleye to our Big Fish page.  I think I’ll put them here too (publisher’s prerogative):

Kraig is here bear hunting…cross your fingers for him.  We have one new batch this week (again), and everyone else is used.  Bucket reports indicate a lot of success on both eater walleye and keeper northern!

Curtis and Maggie returned a few weeks ago with their married Katrina in tow.  It scares me to think of Katrina married (and Sean engaged), as we first met these kiddos when they were pre-teens!  Katrina was a bit loon-y on this trip;)


They enjoyed watching the mergansers as well.  They’re doing that gathering thing they do…

This family always gets off to a slow start fishing.  Then they gather steam and end up just fine!


Thanks for the berry picking, reminiscing, and promise of another trip!

Fred and Bonnie were here several weeks ago with a large chunk of Fred’s tribe!


Bonnie gets crazy with the camera and knows it takes we a few weeks to sort the fodder:)  We’ll start with the kids and grandkids.  Miss Addison does it all in the boat!


Nice catch;)

That poor girl is the only female in a sea of males…brothers and cousins.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Dave are responsible for THREE of the boys…


All of the kiddos were looking forward to tubing!


Uh oh…where’s Rylan????


In a tree with Declan, of course…

Or hanging on the dock with Dad while Uncle Dave does an Irish jig…


They did see some rain during their visit…


Fred and Bonnie stayed two weeks this year.  That gave them ample time to enjoy the family and a second week to be retired!


I LOVE this picture:


Rain often brings rainbows!

Bonnie caught the merganser gathering too


It took me a while to figure out this one…duck butts!


Is it my imagination, or do these clouds look like kissing fish???


Just like this rock always looks like a fish (or a big nose)


They had their share of beautiful days:


Check out this glitter before and after the smoky hazes we’ve been getting:

More good scenery shots:

Check out these reflections!

Personal fave…


We’ve got sunset shots–going, going, gone!

And my favorite shot of all;)


Until next time…

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